Below Decks Get all confused about diction, grammar, nuance, inference, etymology, slang, synonyms, and syntax...with a bunch of rats and a monkey.
Links Descriptions of this ship's preferred ports of call. Links to general literary resources, online reference, book stores, literary criticism, and sites with full text copies of famous literature.
The Crew Quarters Forum Mingle with the various crew and visitors to the Word
Pirate's ship. Come in and poke fun at improper punctuation. . .or taunt
self-righteous grammar mavens. No registration required to post.
Reviews Summaries of the famous and infamous literature surrounding the canon, with occasional commentary from the crew. Includes brief assessments of the text's readability, pacing, major characters, narrative structure, setting, as well as a general description of the work. Artwork associated with the selection
is often included. The Crow's Nest Scanning the horizon for recent trends and developments within the English language and literary world. Includes various links to Words of the Day, annual literary award winners, large-scale literary events, and other timely items. Welcome to the Word Pirate! |